Creating New Education Possibilities with MapleBear

MapleBear’s story begins with a mom, her hard work and dedication towards fulfilling her own aspirations for the future of early childhood education. Mrs. Patricia Koh started out in the childcare business simply to create a school for her own kids and grandkids, one that would prepare them not just for Primary One but for the future. “I wanted a school,” says Mrs. Koh, “where all children will learn to always reach for the possibilities of their imagination.”

With little success finding a school that shared her philosophy, she decided it was time to start her own. From teacher to principal, lecturer, to founder Mrs. Koh continues to grow the magic of childhood in her loving MapleBear family. Curiosity, Creativity, Communication, Confidence and Collaboration are the five building blocks of a child’s success, she believes: “Not telling a child that a house has two windows and a door, but showing how teabag is a house for tea, a shell a house for snails; it is more important to nurture the skills that will guide them towards making their own discoveries.”

Not just any pre-school, MapleBear carefully selects and grooms her teachers based on the credibility of their teaching expertise, the passion they have for the work they do and the kind of role models they set for each child. MapleBear is home to its own indoor playground, cooking corner, art gallery (kid’s masterpieces of course), dance and music studio, musical production house, and the list goes on! Beyond a comprehensive bilingual program, it provides opportunities for children to learn music and drumming through external workshops to aid their creative development. As Mrs. Koh emphasizes: “It is not only teaching children the facts and giving the right answers, but it is about providing a space where they dare to try and achieve.”